Celebrate the Bitget BGB Whitepaper release: Win 300,000 BGB
To celebrate the release of the BGB Token (BGB) Whitepaper, the BGB Team and Bitget are hosting a BGB Carnival Week for you. You can get lottery tickets by reading the BGB Whitepaper and then answering questions. The tickets let you draw from a prize pool of 300,000 BGB. One user may get up to 60,000 BGB!
Event duration: April 24, 10:00:00 – April 29, 10:00:00 (UTC)
Activity 1: Answer questions to get lottery tickets and win150,000 BGB!
You can answer questions on this page . You need to have 10 BGB in your account to answer one question. If your answer is correct, you will get a lottery ticket. The more BGB you have, the more questions you are allowed to answer. One user may get up to 50 lottery tickets. The more tickets you have, the higher your chances of winning!
*The BGB balance in both your Savings and spot accounts can be calculated to determine the number of questions you can answer. Don’t worry, your BGB balance will not be locked nor deducted.
*All answers questions can be found in BGB Whitepaper.Read the whitepaper carefully before answering.
How can I participate in the lucky draw?
After the event ends, the system will randomly selected winners from the lottery tickets. The results will be announced on April 29, 2023 at 10:05:00 AM (UTC). Participants will receive a notification. You can then go to the campaign page and click the “View lucky draw results” button to check your luck.
How will the rewards be distributed?
The reward details of the BGB Whitepaper quiz and lucky draw event are as follows:
1. The rewards will be sent to the winners’ spot accounts via airdrop.
2. The rewards will be distributed within 7–14 working days after the eventends.
Activity 2: Spin the wheel to grab a share of 150,000 BGB!
The lottery tickets from Activity 1 can be used in the spinning wheel lucky draw in Activity 2. Each ticket represents one spin. The rewards include both BGB tokens and futures trial fund. More correct answers correlate to more lucky draws. One user may get up to 50 attempts. The BGB rewards will be distributed to the winners’ spot accounts and the futures trial fund to their coupon accounts within 7–14 working days after the promotion ends.
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