Debunking common security concerns
Can somebody hack Bitcoin? This post debunks typical security concerns for most Bitcoin users.
Many people are rushing to invest in Bitcoin, thinking it will lead to quick riches. The internet has lured many people into crypto investments with stories of Bitcoin millionaires. But is Bitcoin risk-free? Can somebody hack Bitcoin? This blog post debunks common security concerns about Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Security
Bitcoin provides opportunities for investors and traders to make platforms via platforms like granimator. Individuals and enterprises have made significant profits trading this cryptocurrency on such platforms. However, some people have also lost money, buying Bitcoin at a higher price and selling it when the value drops.
Also, crypto scams have led to significant losses when individuals lose money to fraudsters. So, while Bitcoin presents lucrative opportunities for individuals and organizations to make money, it’s wise to be wary of fraudsters and scammers.
Blockchain Enhances Bitcoin Security
Blockchain technology provides built-in security features, making Bitcoin challenging for criminals to hack or corrupt. Although hackers can take over the Bitcoin blockchain, they can only steal tokens from unconfirmed transactions, crypto exchanges, and digital wallets.
Blockchain technology makes Bitcoin decentralized, meaning it has no failure point. Advanced encryption, consensus mechanism, and public ledgers enhance Bitcoin security. Any participant can view blockchain transactions. This transparency level helps prevent fraudulent activities on the Bitcoin network.
The consensus mechanism helps participants validate transactions on the blockchain without third parties. Computers must solve complex algorithmic puzzles to validate new transactions. Miners get new tokens or rewards after validating transactions.
Any entity can corrupt the Bitcoin network only if it has sufficient computing power to control over half. So, although somebody can hack Bitcoin’s blockchain, it’s unlikely to have such computing power.
The 51% Attack
For somebody to hack Bitcoin, they require control exceeding half of its blockchain. That’s the only way they can corrupt its transaction history. This cryptocurrency hack is what Bitcoin protocol considers a 51% attack.
Even after controlling over 50% of the Bitcoin hashrate or most of the blockchain’s computing power, hackers can only change what miners have not confirmed. A Bitcoin transaction is successful once miners complete six confirmations.
For example, when you send 1 Bitcoin to your friend, miners confirm and record the transaction in one block, marking the first confirmation. Miners register that block into the next block and val; it before closing the block. And this marks the second confirmation. The exact process must happen four additional times for the network to consider the transaction complete. Hackers can reverse transactions that are yet to complete this process in a 51% attack.
Therefore, hackers can use the digital coins miners had yet to confirm after taking over half the computational power. Also, they can transfer them to anonymous addresses.
Other Possible Hacks
Skilled hackers can also exploit vulnerabilities in the blockchain code. Blockchain developers can make mistakes when coding Bitcoin-based projects. If a developer makes mistakes and takes longer to catch and fix them, hackers can exploit them, leading to losses. However, experts have tested the Bitcoin blockchain and proven it is more resilient to such exploitations.
Most hacks happen in crypto wallets and exchanges. For instance, criminals use phishing attacks to gather the personal information of the crypto wallet holders and use it to access and transfer their Bitcoins. Also, hackers target centralized crypto exchanges will Bitcoins worth billions of dollars. Mt. Gox hack has remained a famous example of a crypto exchange hack in the history of cryptocurrencies. Many crypto experts recommend storing only the number of Bitcoins you intend to use in your trading activity in your crypto exchange account and transferring the rest to a safe digital wallet.
Somebody can hack Bitcoin. However, the Bitcoin blockchain is challenging to hack, requiring hackers to control over 50% of its computational power. Nevertheless, criminals can exploit vulnerabilities in the blockchain code and weak security measures in digital wallets and crypto exchanges to steal Bitcoins.