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What are your expectations as the Summit gets underway in South Africa with about 24 countries, most of them African, applying to join BRICS?

A BRICS reserve currency that’ll be backed by gold and used to counter and curtail the U.S. dollar is already on the table and could be floated by BRICS’ New Development Bank after this summit (which will be a massive game changer), admission processes for the applying countries is bound to be top on the agenda as BRICS founding nations already welcomed the expansion, and other matters arising will be tackled as well between today, August 22 and August 24.

Personally, barring all unforeseen circumstances, I have a strong feeling that our world is finally about to get it right. I see a multipolar world emerging out of this summit. The journey, understandably isn’t gonna be super smooth, but it’ll be successful. What do you think?

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