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Weekly NFT Sales Rise 17% With Bitcoin Climbing Back to Second in Volume

Based on the most recent international standings and weekly figures, sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have surged by 17.66% in the past week, amassing slightly more than $306 million in sales. This uptick marks a jump from last week’s 16.8% rise in NFT sales, with the leading blockchains in terms of volume — Ethereum and Bitcoin — both experiencing growth in the last seven days.

NFT Sales Rebound Strongly After 2-Week Dip

NFT market sales experienced more growth this week, accumulating an approximate total of $306,079,000 in sales, with Ethereum at the forefront, boasting $145.91 million of that sum. Sales of Ethereum-based NFTs saw an 8.58% uptick from the previous week, propelled by notable projects such as Pandora and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC).

Weekly NFT Sales Rise 17% With Bitcoin Climbing Back to Second in Volume

Sales of Bitcoin-based NFTs experienced a significant increase, catapulting the blockchain to reclaim its position as the second-highest in terms of weekly sales volume. This week, the blockchain tallied $70.96 million in sales, as reported by, marking an increase of 75.20% from the preceding week.

The rise in Bitcoin-centric NFT sales was notably driven by a significant 83.9% rise in Uncategorized Ordinals trades compared to the prior week. On the other hand, Solana’s NFT sales totaled $48.81 million, witnessing a slight decline of 5.54% from the previous week’s figures.

Weekly NFT Sales Rise 17% With Bitcoin Climbing Back to Second in Volume

Mythos Chain, ranking fourth, logged slightly more than $7 million in sales, marking an 11.82% growth this week. Similarly, NFT sales on BNB Chain swelled, achieving a 92.07% increase and also amassing just over $7 million within the seven-day period.

Additionally, both Arbitrum and Stargaze experienced significant upticks in their sales figures over the past week. The week’s top digital collectible collection with the most sales volume was Pandora as it amassed $35.34 million in sales. However, the compilation’s sales are down 24.11% lower than last week.

Uncategorized Ordinals took the second spot this week gathering $12 million in sales while BAYC witnessed $8.64 million. BAYC sales rose a significant 183.47% over the seven-day timeframe. Bitcoin’s Nodemonkes gathered $7.47 million, jumping 239.63% higher this week. Lastly, the fifth spot, Mythos’ Dmarket fetched $6.89 million rising 11.77%.

The Pandora collection boasted the highest-priced NFT sale this week with Pandora #57023 fetching $1.55 million. Yet, several Cryptopunks and BAYC NFTs also changed hands, including Cryptopunk #3167, which went for $449,869, and Bored Ape #7616, which garnered $330,633.

On the Polygon platform, Babyloongnft #26633 was snapped up for $298,690, while Bitcoin saw a notable sale on Friday with Protoshroom #6 capturing $156,119. Additionally, Nodemonke #f976d21 achieved $108,771, exchanging hands for 2.1357 BTC. Chains like Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Cardano also recorded some high-valued NFT sales during this period.

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